UniQ-Invoice is one of the products of Uniq Data Solution Private Limited. This application provides services for a company where the company can manage dealers, customers, warehouse, warehouse-wise items, invoices, payment, and reports.
Admin Panel: where admin can accept or reject new registered company.
Sign-up and Sign-in: where company can register or login.
company can add new dealer or customer. Here company can add warehouse detail. company can add warehouse wise items list. There is also user facility where company can add a user and give him some access.

Using the UniQ-Invoice Web application company can create invoices and add payment details. There is also a credit note facility where the company can add credit notes.
In this Web-application Company can view different reports like
Invoice Summary where the company can view the monthly total amount of invoices.
Dealer Summary where the company can view dealer-wise total amount.
Payment Status where the company can view received payment with payment type (cash, bank, etc..), paid amount, and payment date.
Ledger Report where the company can view dealer or customer-wise invoices and payment details.
Stock Model wise where the company can view the warehouse-wise available stock.

Our Services

 Dealer Page

 Warehouse Page

 Invoice Page

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